Monday, July 18, 2016

Let the Countdown Begin

Guys. Guys. We're officially at less than a month.

I mean it.

One month from yesterday is when my first day of orientation is. I'm terrified. You know, in that kind of excited way.

(Also, in case you were curious, I totally have valid reasons for not writing for almost a month. I mean, first there was 4th of July [which was incredible. I hope yours was too. I would post pictures but someone I look like a spaz in every single one of I won't.], and then there was Girls Camp [which, for those of you who don't know, is a week in the summer when a bunch of 12-18 year old girls go up in the mountains with minimum adult supervision to learn how to survive and hike and feel the spirit whilst being surrounded by bears (at least in Idaho. I never had bear warnings on my Girls Camps in Utah...).]. Girls Camp was amazing, but I also didn't have my phone with me so, no pictures there either. Which is a total shame because we hiked to the Darby Wind Caves and they were beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.)

Oh! I did have the exciting adventure of blowing not one, but two tires on my trip to Utah for the 4th! Luckily, my friends I had driving with me were very understanding and patient as we waiting for someone to drive up and bring us more spares...

They were so delightfully goofy that they almost made it fun! I mean, as fun as sitting by the side of a freeway for three hours can be...

And as I was driving back to Idaho from Utah on the night of the 4th, I had the chance to see a pretty dang beautiful sunset over my mountains.

(Don't worry, I basically didn't get into an accident at all taking these pictures while the car was in motion.) But seriously, every time I get a little sad about leaving Idaho (because Idaho is stunning and I love it here) I remember that Utah has my mountains, and I get a little giddy on the inside. I love my mountains.

Okay, but back to business guys. Less than a months! Things are getting real now! I actually have a schedule, I've registered for classes. It may be the worst schedule ever (seriously, having someone else pick what times I go to class is very hard for me. I like picking my own classes. Sigh. Just one more year, one more year and I get to arrange my schedule. It will be my mantra) but it's a schedule, it finally exists! I have a book list! (And absolutely  no more money left in my savings. There's another thing to take note of all you potential law students out there -- law books? Freakishly spendy.

I move to Utah in less than two weeks. I start a new life in less than a month!! Is anyone else out there getting so stoked?! 

Keep your eyes and ears posted for my very exciting first practice commute/test run from Salt Lake City to Provo. I'll be taking a train and who knows? I might get lost. If anyone could do it, it would be me!   

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