Wednesday, July 5, 2017

It's Been 1L of a Year

Okay, I know I've made that joke so many times, but seriously I can't stop myself. I think it's so funny! And this is probably the last time I'll get to use it. There's nothing great about 2L that I've thought of yet.... Anyway....

Once upon a time, I had a dream of regularly maintaining this blog as I went to school. What a laugh. What a dream. I didn’t realize at the time how much graduate school is different from undergrad. People tried to tell me, and I honestly did try to understand, but I think it’s something you can’t ever fully comprehend unless you go through it yourself.

Take law school for instance. Law school is hard and easy and fun and miserable all rolled up into one giant ball. And as much as I can try to explain it to you, you’ll never really understand it unless you’ve been there. Which, I mean, basically makes this post completely redundant, but don’t think that will stop me from writing it. If there was one thing about being a lawyer I was already good at before I started law school, it was redundancy.

It’s honestly hard to remember all of the last year. It’s hard for me to really know what I knew before I started school and what I didn’t. I know I’ve learned things and I know I’ve forgotten things, but I’m not sure where that line is. Law school and all of its facets has become so much a part of me that I don’t actually know all of the parts of me that have changed. I just know they’re there now and maybe they weren’t before.

But without any further ado (because really, I think we can all agree that the first three paragraphs were nothing but ado), here is the nutshell version of what I learned throughout my first year of law school*:

Your Class Truly Becomes Your Family
I mean, for eight solid months, you see them almost every single day, somewhere between six to twelve hours a day. And they are the only people in the whole wide world who truly and honestly know what you're going through, because they're going through it too. And some days you love them so much that you don't really know how you can express it without looking like a crazed and deranged stalker. And then some days you feel like you literally cannot stand the sight of them and the thing you need most in the world is a break from these people. But at the end of the day, you know these are your people and if push came to shove, you would do anything for them. Because they're family.

It’s Kind of Like You’re Back in High School
But with a lot more freedom than you ever had while you were actually in high school. See, the downside of seeing each other every single day is that the drama and gossip mill starts up fast. Which, you know, depending on the day really isn't a downside; it can be quite entertaining. Especially if you're not actually a part of it. But you're always in such close proximity to each other that it's almost impossible to pull yourself away. Human beings are naturally curious and as soon as the shock and terror of school has worn off, the conversation naturally turns to who is dating whom, what person overreacted in class, and how on earth we could have possibly missed the fact that such and such person was the recipient of such and such scholarship. It's completely high school and it really bothers some people. I personally chose to be entertained, and, knowing full well that people were talking about me just as much as they were talking about everyone else, I did my best to ensure that they only had the nicest of things to say about me. How well I succeeded I have no clue, because they don't gossip about me around me (I know. Rude, right?)

You Have No Clue What You’re Doing for the First Two Months
But really. Law school was a very spur of the moment decision for me. (Well, as spur of the moment as a decision that requires months of planning can be.) I had no idea if this was what I wanted. I still have no idea if this is what I want. I didn't go to law school prep, I didn't take criminal justice classes. Nothing. There are people in their first year of law school who have been dreaming about orientation since they were eight years old. They took all the necessary political and legal classes, heck, they might even have taken Latin. I was so not one of those people and I had no idea what was happening. I didn't know basic principles. I didn't know what area of law I wanted to focus on. As far as I was concerned a tort was a cake (that's still my favorite kind of torte, in case you're wondering. I know you were). Every single day was like a new episode of Bonnie's Life: Dazed and Confused. And then one day, I realized some of these words actually sounded familiar. Some of these concepts actually made sense. I still have a long way to go, but I saw a light on the horizon. Your brain is remarkably good at adapting to things, even when you think it isn't possible, and your brain will adapt to law school.

Finals Aren’t as Scary as They Sound
Which, I know sounds crazy (especially if you're one of the lucky few who got to hear me complain about them. A lot.) They really weren't though. I mean, I'm not saying I enjoyed them by any stretch of the imagination. I don't think anyone enjoys going and sitting down for three hours to type non-stop about everything you've learned over the last four months, but they weren't that terrifying. Honestly, I think the scariest thing for most of us was that we weren't really sure what the test would look like because we'd never taken one before. But it's just questions (or maybe one question, depending on your teacher) and you just type. You just do your best to take what you learned all semester long and use that to answer the question. Just like any other test. What I hated most about the test was that those three hours determined my entire grade, but that's just a product of the law school system, it's nothing against the final tests in general.

Your Non-Law School Friends Will Beg You to Stop Talking About Law School
Because it will become everything you do. It will become what you eat, breath, and think. You'll start saying phrases like, "That's accurate." or "That's not accurate." to every sentence that someone says to you. You'll start comparing everything that happens in their life to something that happened to you at school that day, or some 400 year old law that you just learned that somehow, amazingly enough, applies exactly to their situation. Usually you'll see this happening, and you'll do your best to stop it, but it's like your tongue has taken on a life of its own, completely separated from your brain. Law school just comes out. All. The. Time. You'll be just as exasperated about it as your friends are, but it's like a disease and it just doesn't go away.

You Won’t Really Have that Many Non-Law School Friends Anymore
Largely because of #5. No, I'm just kidding. Hopefully you will still have non-law school friends, because it's vital that you maintain some kind of balance, but law school friends will become some of your best friends. They'll be the people you want to argue with (seriously or facetiously). They'll become the people that you vacation with, laugh with, dream with, relax with, and just exist with. Part of this is because, like I mentioned before, they get it. They get it all and there's something very comforting about that. Part of it is because you inherently think the same, that's why you all decided to go to law school. Part of it is that familiarity is a breeding ground for friendship. And part of it is that they're just good people and being around them has a tendency to make you better. (Plus they think your law jokes are funny, or at least understand why they could be, as opposed to normal people who look at you like you're off your rocker when you start laughing hysterically at something you just said in Latin.)

You Need a Support System
Law school is mentally and emotionally exhausting and some days all you want to do is give up. Actually, maybe a lot of days that's all you want to do. And you need someone to pick you up, brush off the crazy, give you a hug, and firmly shove you back toward the arena that is law school. Support Systems can take many shapes and forms. For some it's a spouse. For some it's siblings or parents. For some it's classmates or church friends. It doesn't matter who they are as long as they work for you. This last year, I truly don't think I could have survived without my family. They attempted to laugh at my jokes, they called me out when I used the phrase "accurate" more than three times in one sentence, they celebrated my successes, cried through my failures, and encouraged me when I didn't think I had an ounce left of intelligence in my brain. When I graduate in 2019, it will be just as much their victory as it will be mine.

Really and Truly, You're as Busy as You Want to Be
People say law school is busy, and I mean, of course it is, but honestly? Life is busy. And the sooner you accept that, probably the better off you are. I'm really pretty certain that, after you've graduated from undergrad (and maybe not even then if you're already married and having kids and whatnot during your undergrad) there is never really a time in your life when you don't have a list of things to do that's about a million miles long. It's just all about how you prioritize it. There were people who were at the law school from sun-up until way past sun-down. There were people who were at the law school for classes and that was it. There are people who were involved with four different extra-curricular clubs and groups and there are people who weren't involved with any (which, I do feel like I should strongly recommend against. You should at least be involved with one. Not only is it good experience, but employers seem to like it for some reason...) The truth of the matter is, you'll still find time for what is really important to you. I still bake. In fact, I'm 99.9% positive that baking is a lot of what helped keep me sane. I still work out. I still Netflix. (Granted, I Netflix while I work out, but that's just good planning on my part.) I still see my family. It is possible to have a balance. It's easy to let law school overwhelm your life and say you're too busy to do anything else, but you'll prioritize what you want, and you'll be as busy as you choose.

You Need Time Off
Once a semester, the law school gives us a week off of classes. This is time to interview with firms and companies. It's time to research where you want to go and who you want to work for. It's time to catch up on reading or maybe (in a blessed world) get a little ahead. But it's also time off. It's time to see your family, to get outside of the state. It's smack in the middle of the semester and it's incredibly vital to your mental health. It's a magical week. But that doesn't have to be it. I, personally, did my absolute best never to do law school work on the weekends. Sometimes I had to. Sometimes that made my weeks sheer hell, but by and large it worked for me. I needed to know that I had two days (maybe sometimes only one) where I didn't have to worry about classes and homework. I could focus on other things in my life that were just as deserving and I could take a mental step away. It's vital and you need it.

The Hardest Part is Re-Wiring Your Brain
It isn't the reading. It isn't the individual concepts by themselves. It's the fact that you have to teach your brain an entirely new way of thinking. That's not incredibly easy, FYI, or really that pleasant. I'm still not really sure if I'm there. You have to teach your brain that it can no longer take anything for granted and it has to question everything and push every envelope and search in every direction for an answer that hasn't been thought of before. It's exhausting. It's hard to do. But they tell me it's worth it. And it is what makes JD graduates so very hirable. The fact that we made it through law school means we know how to think, analyze, assess, and push. Tons of people get their JD and then never take the bar to become an actual lawyer. They simply go on to work in business or non-profits or they create something completely new. It's an incredible education and it's an amazing gift and tool for your brain to have. But getting there kind of sucks and there are a lot of moments where you just feel stupid. They say it's worth it in the end though. I'll let you know in a couple of years.

Last, but not Least, Your First Summer Might Actually be Far More Time-Consuming than Your First Year of School
Which I personally didn't really think was possible. The thing is, it's probably not that it's actually more time-consuming, it's just that it feels that way. The really great thing about school is that aside from your actual class times, there are very few times when you absolutely have to be somewhere at some specific time. So, while there is a lot of studying and work to be done, you pick when it happens. If you have to slip out to get something done in the morning, you can. If you have to run an errand and then just stay at the school later than usual, you can. But during your summers, you're back to a fairly normal working life. That means that from roughly 8-5 (or longer depending on who you are and where you're working) you're on someone else's time. And you have to fit everything else in your life in the wee morning hours or after you get home. No longer can I just zip home to make sure dinner in the crockpot is going well. No longer can I hop out for a quick second to go grocery shopping or take a long lunch with a friend. My time isn't mine anymore. And it changes everything. Now, I fully understand that those who are in school live a blessed life as far as scheduling goes and that this is a really good wake-up call for those who have never been a part of the work force, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. It does make the concept of setting your own hours look very appealing. Just sayin'...


Law school is incredible. It's a crazy fast whirlwind of a ride that changes your very being. It's also fairly expensive, so I can't recommend it for just anyone, but at the same time I think it's something that almost anyone could benefit from. I still don't know where I'm going or what I'm doing or where I want to end up, but I've loved this last year. I haven't completely found myself, but I'm a whole lot closer than I used to be and I have law school and law school classmates to thank for that.

Here's to the last year and to the next two to come! May we all survive and keep our sanity.

*The following list is personalized to me and I can in no way, shape, or form guarantee that everyone will learn and experience the same things in their first year of law school that I did. **

** Do you see what law school has done to my brain? I never would have done an amended liability clause before this. I’m simultaneously ashamed and proud.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Halfway There and Definitely Livin' on a Prayer

Not halfway through law school (unfortunately), but halfway through the first semester! See, this is both a good and a bad thing. It's a good thing because I'm halfway through and I'm still alive (although after a pretty serious bout of food poisoning that I'm still recovering from, the alive portion of that statement is questionable). It's a bad thing because this means I'm steadily inching towards finals and I don't know that I really want that to happen. I mean sure, I can't stop it, but I want to. (Except I don't want to because without finals I can't graduate, and I really want to graduate.)

The really nice this is that at this point, all of the classmates are really starting to bond together. At the beginning of the semester there was this kind of nervous energy and we were all on our best behavior, trying to impress each other -- or at the very least trying not to make complete fools of ourselves. Now, somehow, eight weeks into it, we're family. Of course, part of that could be because we see each other literally more than we see our families. It is hours a day we are at that school, people. (Although, really, it seemed like the time was much more productive before we became friends. Now we talk and study. Before, we used to just study... Now I have to hide in different places in the law school if I want to finish my Contracts reading or get ahead on anything. All my classmates are just too fascinating to ignore.)

Trial Ad just finished last week, and that was a delight. Trial Ad is essentially a mock trial that 2nd and 3rd year students can put on and compete against each other. First years can't actually compete as lawyers (because we know nothing) but we can enter as witnesses, which is what I did because it's a fascinating experience. I was lucky enough to get on with an incredible team of attorney's and we actually made it all the way to the finals, which they proceeded to win.

Seeing what actually goes on in a courtroom was kind of crazy intense though. It's so formal. And you have to ask the judge permission to do anything. And you always have to stand. So much up an down, it's got to be great for your thighs. I imagine it's much like anything else though, the first couple of times you do it you're nervous and full of fits, but the more you do it the easier it gets. I used to think that I could never in a million years do litigation, but now I'm thinking maybe I might. There's a thrill to being in the courtroom, you know, there's just this adrenaline that gets pumping and the heart gets racing and you have to be prepared for absolutely everything. I love the idea.

Of course, there are so many career paths that I've been introduced to since school started that I have absolutely no idea what I'm going to do. The nice thing is that options abound, and who knows? Maybe one day I'll have my day in court and I can lawyer the world.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

They Knew we Would Want to Kill Ourselves, so they Gave Us a Break

There's a magical thing in law school -- it's called Placement Break. I mean really, I don't know if it's just BYU that does this or if it happens across the board, but it's actually one of my favorite things of all time.

What they do, is they get you about six weeks into school, you know, when you're feeling all shades of helpless, exhausted, and idiotic, and then they give you a week off. It's like drinking from the fountain of living waters. And you think that maybe I'm exaggerating, and maybe I am a little, but guys, you don't even know.

I haven't been ignoring this blog for the last six weeks because I just got bored of it. It's not even because law school is kicking my trash. It's because law school combined with life is kicking my trash. They talk to us all the time about balance, about doing school but still having a life and so that's what I've been trying to do. It turns out that there's where the challenge actually lies. Wanting to have weekends and still pull good grades? Wanting to go to birthday parties and still understand what's happening in the cases? Wanting to see the sun occasionally and still create an outline? That's the struggle people.

Although the real struggle may actually be that I think my sense of humor is failing. Not failing in the fact that it's leaving, failing in the fact that it's becoming so lawyerized that it's just not even funny anymore. Now I make jokes about torts versus tortes. (One's a pastry in case you didn't know. The other one is a class that I may or may not fail, we'll see in a couple months.) Now, when I read a case about a house being built on unstable soil and it falls apart, someone will say something about a foolish man building his house upon a rock and I laugh for days. (Although, in all fairness, that isn't a lawyer joke that I'm laughing at. That's a Mormon joke compiled with a lawyer joke. It's doubly not funny.)

But then they give me a week to recuperate. I have a week to breathe, research, read cases, write memos, update my resume, apply for internships, create outlines, draft cover letters.....

You know, I'm not actually sure if this is a week off.

I think they've lawyered me.

(But guys, fall is here! Colors and joy! Pumpkins and apple cider! It's all I love!)

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

You Tortfeasor

There’s no excuse for my behavior. I mean, it’s completely unacceptable. It’s been over a month. Ages. A lifetime to some small animals and insects. I’m ashamed.

But a lot has happened!

I mean guys, I’ve officially started law school now. I mean, officially. It’s real. There’s not really a whole lot of going back (I mean, even if I wanted to the loan funds have been disbursed so, it’s kind of a done deal…)

The good news is, so far I’m loving it! Orientation was last week (which I wasn’t going to initially count as school starting, but there was homework, so it counted. Anything with homework counts) and it was a little long, with an absolute flood of information, but it was good.

I met some of my classmates, not all of them (although I definitely have met more than I remember the faces of) and they seem pretty great. I mean, at this point it looks like they’re pretty much all geniuses and I’m not actually sure what I’m doing here, but maybe I’ll figure that out in time.

So the classes I’ve been assigned for my first semester are as follows:
Legal Writing and Research
Property Law
Lecture Series
Professional Development
Professional Skills

Which sounds like a lot (or at least it did to me), but the last three are only once a week, so it’s not too bad. And the lecture series (which I’m pretty certain will be my favorite class) doesn’t even have homework. I literally go and sit and listen to people talk about various law professions for an hour. Which is absolutely perfect, because I have no clue what I would like to do with my life yet. I’m really hoping that I figure that out in three years or so.

I have learned so much so far though. I mean, I only remember about 1/3 of it currently (and that might be a bit of a generous estimation) but it’s all fascinating. Of course, some of what I’ve learned is what a whole slew of people already knew before coming into school (for instance, a tort is just a wrong, and a tortfeasor is someone who commits a wrong. Did you know that? I didn’t. I’m totally using ‘tortfeasor’ as my next new insult though.), but I’ll catch up.

I think that so far (based off of, you know, one days’ worth of information) Contracts will be my favorite class, which was a bit surprising because I was totally pegging Legal Writing and Research for that, but who knows? Maybe I’ll flip flop it later on. I think I’m allowed to do that right? I sure hope so.

I know this is random and crazy and short and chaotic, but that’s kind of how I feel about my life in general right now. Don’t worry, as I learn more, I’m sure they’ll get worse. Huzzah!

I’m only three years from being able to lawyer someone!

Monday, July 18, 2016

Let the Countdown Begin

Guys. Guys. We're officially at less than a month.

I mean it.

One month from yesterday is when my first day of orientation is. I'm terrified. You know, in that kind of excited way.

(Also, in case you were curious, I totally have valid reasons for not writing for almost a month. I mean, first there was 4th of July [which was incredible. I hope yours was too. I would post pictures but someone I look like a spaz in every single one of I won't.], and then there was Girls Camp [which, for those of you who don't know, is a week in the summer when a bunch of 12-18 year old girls go up in the mountains with minimum adult supervision to learn how to survive and hike and feel the spirit whilst being surrounded by bears (at least in Idaho. I never had bear warnings on my Girls Camps in Utah...).]. Girls Camp was amazing, but I also didn't have my phone with me so, no pictures there either. Which is a total shame because we hiked to the Darby Wind Caves and they were beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.)

Oh! I did have the exciting adventure of blowing not one, but two tires on my trip to Utah for the 4th! Luckily, my friends I had driving with me were very understanding and patient as we waiting for someone to drive up and bring us more spares...

They were so delightfully goofy that they almost made it fun! I mean, as fun as sitting by the side of a freeway for three hours can be...

And as I was driving back to Idaho from Utah on the night of the 4th, I had the chance to see a pretty dang beautiful sunset over my mountains.

(Don't worry, I basically didn't get into an accident at all taking these pictures while the car was in motion.) But seriously, every time I get a little sad about leaving Idaho (because Idaho is stunning and I love it here) I remember that Utah has my mountains, and I get a little giddy on the inside. I love my mountains.

Okay, but back to business guys. Less than a months! Things are getting real now! I actually have a schedule, I've registered for classes. It may be the worst schedule ever (seriously, having someone else pick what times I go to class is very hard for me. I like picking my own classes. Sigh. Just one more year, one more year and I get to arrange my schedule. It will be my mantra) but it's a schedule, it finally exists! I have a book list! (And absolutely  no more money left in my savings. There's another thing to take note of all you potential law students out there -- law books? Freakishly spendy.

I move to Utah in less than two weeks. I start a new life in less than a month!! Is anyone else out there getting so stoked?! 

Keep your eyes and ears posted for my very exciting first practice commute/test run from Salt Lake City to Provo. I'll be taking a train and who knows? I might get lost. If anyone could do it, it would be me!   

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Adjusting My Mind Set

Should I be worried that the reason I haven’t written in, you know, the last month is because I haven’t done a single law-related thing in that time?

I think I should be worried.

I’m worried.

Maybe I should post some pictures to temporarily take my mind off the worry.

I really just can't get over how cute these new parents are. And obviously tired, but I can't blame them. Kids are exhausting, bless their souls.

We had a big family reunion last weekend and as part of our activities, some of us opted to go to baseball game.

My family loves baseball.

I mean, we really love it. We train our kids young to love it too. 

Of course, part of the joy of baseball is to eat the food. The ridiculously overpriced, but tastes like nothing else in the world because you're eating it at a ballgame, food.

And gloating when you get to call "deuces" first. He cheated by the way. That's why he looks so pleased with himself. 

And a couple weeks prior to the game, I got to meet up with these lovely ladies and some others who are unfortunately not pictured to go camping for a weekend!

Isabelle, who will be a vet someday, caught this bullfrog entirely on her own. With bait she picked up from around the campground and a fishing pole she made out of stick... She's pretty dang impressive. We named the frog Jeremiah. Because, well, Jeremiah. He was a bullfrog. 

Sigh, at least if I utterly fail law school due to my incompetency and lack of preparation, I know I’ll always have a fun (albeit slightly crazy) family who loves me. That’s nice.

Oh, wait! I have learned something! Whew, okay, that’s good because now I don’t have to worry about completely bombing the next three years of my life and getting into thousands of dollars of debt for nothing. That’s a relief.

BYU hosted a law school luncheon a while ago, and while I couldn’t actually be there because I live and work in Idaho, they streamed the video for us to watch later. That was nice of them. And I did learn things, so many good things, from that video! (They’re hosting another one today, that I also will not be able to go to, but hopefully they’ll stream that one too. It’s all about how to survive the first year. I NEED them to stream that one…) Anyways, back to what I learned, because I learned stuff. I learned about how I shouldn’t allow law school to take over my life completely. I learned that I need to find a way to have balance. I learned that I probably shouldn’t be in this just for the money (and I’m not, although I would be 100% lying if I didn’t say that it’s a factor, because it is. I want to travel to Europe someday, so sue me. Except don’t, because I’ll be going to law school and I’ll beat the socks off of you in court. Hopefully.). But mostly, I learned that study groups will be my saving grace. 

This whole idea is a bit of a struggle for me, because by and large I don’t like study groups. I definitely hate group projects, and I’ve always kind of classified study groups into that whole genre of schoolwork. I know that it isn’t accurate, it’s just what I’ve always done. Throughout my college career, I generally preferred to grab some burritos from Taco Bell (the kind that you immediately regret the second you finish the last bite because you know you just shortened your life span by about 15 minutes, if not longer) and sequester myself in some hidden classroom, where I would stay for the next 1-5 hours, working and studying without a single interruption.* Apparently I can’t do this in law school. Apparently that would be bad for me and probably overwhelming, eventually leading me to ostracize my family and have some sort of psychotic breakdown.
So, despite my feelings about study groups, I decided to shut up and learn more about them. And I have learned that study groups shouldn’t be more than 6 people (for maximum help and friendship forming) but nor should they be less than 4, because then there’s not really enough people to make it super effective. (There’s kind of a fine line there.  Especially since 5 is generally such an awkward number, so you’re pretty much stuck between 4 or 6. Although that’s me, just making a judgement about the number 5. Maybe 5 would be a great thing. I’ll keep you posted on that.)

This means that I need to spend the next 8 weeks (it’s only 8 freaking weeks away people. I’m dying over here! So nervous. So very, very nervous.) getting used to the idea that within the first month of law school, I will need to either form or find a way to be part of a study group. The comforting thing is, if I find a good one, not only will my life be easier, but I’ll have a close-knit group of friends to see me through the next three years! The bad news is that if no one wants me to be a part of their study group, it probably means that I’m a failure at life and no one likes to study with me because I really can be a little bit insufferable.

Just thinking out loud here, but is it a bad thing if I scope out my classmates the first couple of days and make intense judgments about whether or not they’re intelligent enough and their personalities are good enough to ask them to be a part of a group? That’s a bad thing isn’t it? I should work on being less judge-y. Man, I have a lot to work on in the next 8 weeks. Sigh.

Alright, enough self-pitying! I’ve got things to do! I’ve got greatness to achieve! Stay tuned friends, because sometime in about 3 months from now I will have a study group. I will follow the advice of those that came before me and I will be a part of something bigger than myself. And it will be great. Or no one will want me and I’ll come typing to you about it in tears. Either way it’ll be a treat. Because no matter what happens, I will still be on my way to becoming lawyered.  

*I would just like to note that I wasn’t anti-social in college. I did lots of things, with lots of people and I made some absolutely hysterical memories that I wouldn’t trade for the world. Grades were just always more important than people. Well, most people.

Friday, May 27, 2016

A Correction on English

I know it's been a while (again) but I have a fantastic reason (again). This one. 

Aren't they just one of the cutest families you've ever seen? They're just so happy and perfect and I love it! Little Alida is getting cuter by the day and Trey and Pam are loving being parents. 

We even talked Trey (who is the most protective father I've ever seen, in a super cute way) into a game of Frisbee Golf with her. I think he mostly agreed because he knew he could beat me in an absolutely spectacular fashion.

And my dad got to play his all-time favorite pinball game -- The Addams Family. To some, pinball is a leisurely pastime, to my father it is an art. I think his record for longest game is over an hour. I wish I was kidding, but I'm not. He gets very intense about it. 

And of course I got to see some of my fabulous sisters. And I do love seeing my fabulous sisters. We get even more fabulous when we're all together if you can believe it!

Anyway, down to business. (To defeat the Huns...)

It has recently been brought to my attention that my rather cheeky statement in my blog byline about English being a “useless degree” could very easily offend some people—in fact it has offended as least one that I’m aware of. It might have offended more.

Now that I’m aware of this tragic occurrence, I want to take this opportunity to set the record straight that my flippant byline is meant to be just that—flippant. I feel like the vast majority of people who know me (who, honestly [despite any of my dreams to the contrary of becoming rich quickly because my blog gets famous] are the only people that I ever presume will read this blog) know that it must be meant sarcastically because they know how much I love the English language. They’re the people who know firsthand how insufferable I can be to listen to at times because I will go on and on about the plot of some book and how it really speaks to so much more than just a generic story if only they would take the time to read it properly, when really all they wanted me to do was say “Oh sure, I can pass you the potatoes.”

But there are people out there who don’t know me (a horrible loss on your part I must say) and you aren’t yet aware that I’m absolutely proficient in sarcasm and that roughly 82.7% of what I say should be taken worth a grain of salt. (In your defense, if you’re getting to know me through my blog it would probably be very hard to know this about me. Sarcasm never comes across as well via writing. I’ve lost many newfound friends due to the sarcastic nature of my texting. Well, not many. But one or two.) To all of you I would like to formally say (with not a hint of sarcasm whatsoever), that English is NOT a useless degree and I loved every second of getting my Bachelors.

At this point, if you do know me, you’ll probably guess that there’s a list coming on (I am so very fond of my lists) and you would be right. So here’s a list of reasons, in no particular order, of why I loved getting my English degree and why it is, in truth, a very useful degree.

1. It taught me how to critically think. There’s nothing like a professor staring you straight in the eyes and asking you in front of the entire class what you thought of “A Rose for Emily” to make you realize that saying “It was weird,” just isn’t going to cut it. I’ll be the first to admit that I have been guilty of over-analyzing a story and probably putting meaning into it that the author never intended, but at least I know how to analyze things now. I don’t take things at surface value anymore and I don’t blindly believe what I’m told. This has potentially made me much more annoying to deal with, and I’m sure my parents are glad that I waited until after I was out of the house to learn this particular skill, but it’s also made me more intelligent and I’m so glad it’s a skill I have.

2. It taught me how to admit that I am (occasionally) wrong and that there’s no shame in that. Or even to simply admit that I don’t know. To me, it used to be the worst thing in the world to be wrong (it still doesn’t feel great. I don’t like it.) or to have to tell someone that I didn’t know an answer. But it’s okay. Being wrong is, sadly, just a part of life. There are so many things that I would have sworn my life on, only to find out years later I was completely mistaken (the most embarrassing of these moments involving some incredibly wrong intel concerning a boa constrictor. If you ask me some day and I really like you I’ll tell you the story. I would have to really like you though, because it makes me look like a complete idiot. Not that that’s too hard to do…). But I learn new things every single day, and sometimes those things force me to acknowledge that I was dreadfully mistaken, and that’s okay. 

3. It taught me that it is okay change my opinion. Sometimes the new information I discover makes me realize that I don’t believe something as wholeheartedly as I once did. More and more these days I wait to form an opinion until I’ve fully researched an issue, but alas I was not like that as a child. I was a pretty dramatic youngster (there’s a shocker eh?) and I formed strong opinions as soon as I heard one half of one side of an issue. And then (because I hate admitting I’m wrong) I would defend those opinions to the death, no matter how ridiculous I realized they were. But I don’t do that anymore. If someone brings up a valid argument against my opinion I’ll look into it. Maybe I’ll change my mind, maybe I won’t, but at least I can admit that it’s as valid as my own opinion is. (And for someone as egotistical as me that was a hard lesson to learn.)

4. It taught me how to write. You’ll never be worse off in your life if you know how to write well. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve talked to prospective employers and had them tell me that they automatically throw out resumes and applications that are written poorly. When I was sorting through applications at my old job, I did the exact same thing. The way that you write portrays a certain image of yourself, and if you regularly confuse “your and you’re” or “there, their, and they’re” people notice—and whether or not you like it, they judge. It doesn’t matter if you absolutely hate writing and just do the bare minimum to get by in life, you should still be good at it.*

5. It taught me how to argue. Which is not the same thing as how to critically think. Thinking just got the thoughts sorted around in my head, learning how to argue made them come out of my mouth, if I was lucky, intelligently. There were quite a few times that I would say something offhand in class, not really thinking about it as I said it, only to have my teacher require me to defend my position, right then, right there. Sometimes my teachers would agree with me. Sometimes we would argue (in a friendly, snobby, literary type of way). My first two years of college I got thrashed in pretty much all my arguments, but my last two I started to notice a trend—I didn’t do well in all of them, but I did well in most of them. And even if I didn’t change the teacher’s mind one iota, there was at least a small amount of respect in their eyes when they told me to sit down and shut up. 

6. It led me to some fantastic literature, both new and old—in two senses of the words. Guys, I got college credit to read books I loved. I read books written in 2015, I read books written in 1000 A.D. I read books I had never read before and I read books that I hadn’t read since I was ten. I mean, I generally had to do a lot of things with the books or about the books after I read them, but still—sometimes I felt guilty about getting college credit because I was having such a good time in class, which is how it should be! There were very few classes I didn’t look forward to every day, and that’s saying something.

7. It led me to some fantastic people. Some of the best people I know today are people I met through the English/English Education program. 

People like Brooke (and her husband who, while not an English major, often studied with us and he was also hilarious. And really good about throwing out random facts that I will never forget. Oh the things I learned about mantis shrimp studying with Zeb).

And people like Michelle. (Her husband is also a delightful soul, but I've never studied with him, so I can't honestly tell you how he is as a study buddy. I'm sure he's great.) I'm very proud to tell you that Brooke and Michelle and I (and a few other equally delightful souls) were part of the Shakespeare Dream Team. And someday I will find a way to put that on my resume. 

These people are caring, witty, fun to talk to and be with, and (best of all), they also shudder when someone else says “funner.” We spent SO many nights together in the library, researching Shakespeare or Marxism or editing rules while eating pizza and drinking chocolate milk. (Which is a fabulous combination by the way. If you’ve never tried it I highly suggest you do, post haste.) Some of those nights I really didn’t want to be there (usually the nights that my other friends were going hiking or to the dunes, or just the nights that I no longer wanted to be in school at all), but most of the time it was just amazing. We played hard, we worked harder, but we laughed hardest. I wouldn’t exchange those friends or those memories for anything.

8. It led me to some amazing teachers that taught me about so much more than just the English language. I know lots of people think that their department has the best teachers, but mine kind of just wins hands down. There are quite a few different personalities in the English department, from the “angsty teenager” (albeit a lot smarter) all the way to the “wise man on the mountain,” each one taught me something different. 

Kip Hartvigsen would be the wisest man on the mountain. I swear there isn't a thing that this man doesn't know. He amazes me. I just wish I could find my absolute favorite photo of him that we snuck during class, but it's hidden in the recesses of my digital world somewhere...

My teachers were kind, loving, ruthless, and tough all rolled into one bundle. They weren’t afraid to rail on me in class and point out my flaws and how I could do better, but they also weren’t afraid of praising my work. (They also weren’t afraid of kicking me out of class if I made too many Journey references in a 5 minute span during class, but that’s a story for a different day. [But just in case you’re wondering, it’s actually super easy to make at least 6 Journey references in a 5 minute span, and that’s not even trying to force the conversation—they all flowed perfectly.]) 

I mean, not to name names or anything, but Eric d'Evegnee does have the distinction of being the only teacher in my whole life who has ever kicked me out of class. I don't know why he hates Journey so badly, but I do love exploiting it. Of course, if he knew I was posting this picture he'd probably find a way to go back and fail me in a few classes so my degree would be null and void...

But best of all, I knew my teachers cared about me. They cared about my grades, but they also cared about my education, my happiness level, and my life. They taught me almost everything on this list, but they also taught me how to grow up, how to serve without giving too much, and how to live my life in a way I can be proud of.

9. It taught me how to let go of things I love. “Murder your darlings,”* is a quote that pretty much every single English major on the planet is familiar with. (Of course, it’s meant in the terms of revision and not actually killing the people you love, but the gist is somewhat the same. I know that depending on the day and time, I’m far more attached to things I’ve written than people I’m related to…) There comes a time in every writer’s life when they have to slash a phrase, paragraph, chapter, what have you, that they love, that they are connected to on a spiritual level. Their life won’t actually be whole if they take out this piece, but they know they have to in order to make their writing stronger. (And if you think I’m exaggerating, go talk to some writers.) They have to let go of something they love. And it hurts. And it sucks. And life won’t ever actually be the same. It will be better. This is an incredible lesson, not just for writing, but for life. Sometimes you have to let go, and you don’t want to, but you have to. And once your do your life is better and you’re stronger.

10. It made me very popular around finals time. And sometimes midterms. And I know what you’re thinking: “That’s not popularity! They’re using her!” Well you’d be wrong. It’s only using me if I don’t get free Jamba Juice out of the situation, and I almost always got free Jamba Juice out of the situation. But seriously, it is such a benefit to your friends come time that they need to write those essays, and what benefits your friends usually benefits you at some point too. 

11. English is a fantastic jumping off degree, and if you’re not certain what it is you want to be or go into, it’s hard to go wrong with English. I still don't know exactly what I want to do or be in life. I'm really hoping that law school is the answer, but maybe it won't be. But when I was looking up different graduate degree programs, I was amazing at how many I could go into with my English undergrad. (Not really anything medical -- missing a lot of the pre-reqs for that.) Even if I would have had to take a few more classes to be qualified, I knew that I could do it. I can be anything I want to be, because I have the talents and the skills to learn new things. English gave me confidence and it honed my ability to learn. With English as your undergrad, there are a plethora of different companies that will employ you as a grunt worker and then teach you the ropes and let you slowly climb up the ladder, because they have confidence in you and what you can do. 

I could go on and on, I really could, but at some point you’d stop reading and I wouldn’t really blame you. My point here is that the English language is incredible and complex and no one (who uses English as their primary language anyway) would waste their time if they learned more about it. I changed my degree three times before I settled on English and I wouldn’t change it for the world. I wouldn’t be the person I am today without my English degree, and I happen to be very fond of who I am. I very most likely wouldn’t be on my way to law school right now, and – even if I was – I wouldn’t be nearly as prepared to tackle the challenge that I’m sure law school will be. Getting my Bachelors in English changed my life—and it’s a change I’m daily grateful for.

*I would like to take this moment to make a small disclaimer that this blog should NOT be taken as solid evidence of my great writing skills. The level of editing and re-writing that goes into this blog is not nearly as high as the amount that goes into anything I would ever turn in for a grade or a job. This blog is just supposed to be fun for me (and hopefully at least a little bit for you as well), so I don’t stress too much about it. Oh, and this blog is supposed to get me rich. That too.

*Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch